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What’s Their Goal?

As the world witnesses more and more conflicts, the situation worsens. As one conflict deflates another inflates in soon causing severe distress. Should that be happening with the world at a time when humans have the power to make their own species extinct? Should things be unstable when there are concerning platforms about those problems?

The answers are very clear to everybody, but it’s not working as it’s supposed to. Recent events, like Russia-Ukraine, have made everything more uncertain. Added to that is the economic inclination that makes the situation much worse.

In the new article on Imancipation, I want to present what the causes of this unstable situation are and how to stop it. I am not an expert on these, but I intend to make people aware of the present situation being a concerned citizen of the present world.

Before starting, let me tell you something. You may not like what I have to say about the world. You may think my logic is wrong, but believe me – with the way the world is leading you’ll not find much better logic than this. Please read every word in this article before leading to any conclusions that are not actually intended by this article.


Chapter 1: Leaders

Behind every instability of the world, the fuel that worked the most is greed. Whatever the countries say, the real reason is actually this. Greed for power, financial enrichment, global dominance, and also individual fulfillment.

Over the last few years in the modern era, several operations were conducted in the name of “peace” and other synonymous words under the eyes of the world, i.e., the United Nations. If you read about the whole Ukraine-Russia conflict you’ll find numerous proofs of such notions that were posed to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While this conflict is known to us, several have been hidden from the public.

The way the Bush administration fooled the whole world with the speech at the UN about Saddam Hussein cost many lives but helped the American economy to grow in such a way that we see now. Along the way, several persons have profited. [Watch Vice (2018)]

Yet these conflicts have been given excuses to grow and spread. United Nations, which was created to avoid massive conflicts like World Wars, may fail badly if instability like the present is allowed to continue.

What the United Nations has become for the permanent states is a moral refinement of their actions. Russia justifies its actions because of Ukraine’s provinces wanting to be a republic and several other claims – they are being continuously broadcasted from the United Nations by the big ones.

These greedy world leaders have continuously pushed their countries including other countries related to them to join conflicts that just mostly fill the pockets of those selfish leaders. They continue to live and suck resources from this planet.

I mean they’re so engrossed in their own conflicts they don’t look around them and see that the smaller countries are suffering from serious infections. Sometimes they look and see leaders that actually mirror them, so they just try to avoid them. And sometimes these big fries try to join the smaller fries to suck resources.

And after all that they are continuously doing, there isn’t any judgment held against them. They move like they’ve got the ultimate power. People of the world bring demands for justice, yet they’re continuously ignored because they’re the big guys.

Will the world be filled with chaos just because of a few people’s selfishness?


Chapter 2: Rich

What the rich people are doing? Actually, they’re playing fiddle for their own countries. Scratch that – they’re playing for themselves. Isn’t it fascinating to see both world leaders and rich people being alike, the former “serving” the people and the latter serving themselves?

Rich people are one of the main lines of powerful people in a country, they endorse politicians and, in that way, strengthen their position in the country in different means. It is of course an open fact that these classes of people use the money for their selfish reasons.

Let me remind you that while there are world leaders and rich persons with goodwill, there are very few in number often forced to go with the current wave like other leaders and rich people are doing.

With the present flooding of capitalist and corrupted systems of economy, it’s no wonder that rich people are getting richer, while the poor people lose their shelter. The exploitation of lower classes than the rich has reached both social to national levels.

Think about the education systems put forward around the world. Are they the valid solution to our learning or are they just a way for a certain class to get richer? While there are many public curriculums, they’re just somewhat not that effective being a part of corrupted leaders’ schemes; and the commercialized systems though somewhat effective are out of the lower classes’ capability. This power that only politicians and rich people have held in an iron grip has jeopardized future generations' learning.

Rich people aren’t only exploiting the state’s powers, but they are also not contributing to the state’s overall development. Not paying taxes is somewhat of a common phenomenon for rich brands; they use that money to drown themselves in perverse pleasure. Is it acceptable that just a handful of people are running and ruining a nation?

You can’t even speak up on big platforms. While state secrets are somewhat far away from being revealed publicly, rich people cannot be even touched a bit as they own these platforms. Newspapers, TV stations, and social media – control what we define as broadcasters of people’s “free speech”.

This is the relationship between the rich class and leaders – using each other for their own needs.


Chapter 3: Economy

The economy of a country is a complex web of structures that keeps a nation afloat while many others have drowned in a heavy economic crisis. While public trade contributes to this hugely, few people think that their existing economic exchange is not enough. So, they seek to extract funds from people’s pockets.

You might be a little confused now. Yes, I know that they already take money from the public with their products and services at a high rate, but there is also another “fund” of people which is state-owned banks, reserves, and other investments.

Though corrupted governments are regulars in the objective of filling their accounts with people’s taxes in this case, rich people don’t always do that with them being independent. But being greedy, they are willing to do that now too.

This is how Sri Lanka has faced bankruptcy and its leaders being harassed. Does it matter now to these people? Yes, they have beaten those corrupt guys but does it bring back the money that the country lost and the debt the country is in now? No, it doesn’t.

With us being deep in the world of entertainment, sports, social communications, and our own jobs to fulfill, we’re not actually very aware of the current political situation around us. Though the state somewhat fuels these tensions and distracts us from state affairs, we’re also reluctant to engage in these conversations.

This kind of reluctance has caused Sri Lankans to be in a situation where they are. Actually, we know what the government is doing at least a minimum level and still choose to ignore the feeble fibs of the leaders about that. Does it mean that the consequences won’t come haunting us in the future? No, at least if it doesn’t get us, then our future generations will face that.

Then what will they say? “How could our fathers and mothers have left us with nothing but scraps to leave on?” “How could they accept such a situation and have left their children to fend for themselves?” And if you’re not yet dead at that time, just old, you’re in a hell of a problem. So, I hope you’re getting ready for that.


Chapter 4: Ignorance

Whether it’s because of not knowing or knowing at least a little, I don’t know why people are just ignoring that the present world crisis and situation has culminated from different events of injustice, corruption, illegal, and breaking of promises over the years. It leads the way to the path that is full of general people facing danger while the elites have their way with people’s wealth.

We can call it actual ignorance when people don’t know what’s happening; but at present, with the internet in our grips, it’s very easy to know the truths behind the works of the government. Yet people think it’s best to ignore it just to lead a “simple” life and go on as it is. It is this attitude of the public that causes most nations to suffer.

We see only some symbols of people actually acting not ignoring the harsh facts. For example, the American Civil War between the North’s Union and the South’s Confederacy was mainly about slaves – one side wanted to abolish it, while the other retained it. The Union won. After many years of continued harsh treatment of the black community through their said “emancipation”, Martin Luther King Jr’s dream seemed to come true. Then just last year, the American grounds turned into turmoil again – against black people being treated harshly.

In this modern world, where society is said to be “civilized” people are still acting like animals. Can you believe it when after two terms of a black American president, – the USA is still full of racists and white supremacists? Is it not to think again about the fact that one of the largest developed countries has become a place full of mistreatment and discrimination?

This means that not only the issue of racism should be brought to the spotlight, but there are also other issues (that we may think old or very trivial) that need mass attention too. Some have tried to raise their heads from the hold of the elites keeping these issues secret. But with the public ignoring them it just went out of the spotlight again continuing to put the world in danger.

Shouldn’t we at least keep the ongoing movements continuous so that those issues are something that the government can’t ignore?


Chapter 5: Media

Media is one of the strongest mediums of information in the present world. Media reaching mass people very widely has become one of the most reliable sources of information for all of us. And yet they continue to provide us with lies.

Sure, some news has validity, but the biggest ones are either thrown in the bin or fabricated in such a way that the public’s perspective completely changes about something. This way media can be the most trusted or a silent traitor feeding us false information.

Media isn’t only used by governments, elite people in societies use this medium to spread information they want to spread. With most of the media being owned by rich people and others being owned by the government, there is none to trust wholly.

This spreading of ideology or information that a group or individual intends to influence people is called propaganda. And what better way to do that than by spreading said “truths” via the media.

Shouldn’t we be concerned that the medium that feeds us information can also cause us harm? Shouldn’t we try to fact-check more often if the said “facts” are really facts or not? Should we just sit back and let the elites run things the way it is as they continue to exploit our consciousness and propagate our every move?

The media has a power in their hands that we don’t completely realize. We have voluntarily given such power to them, and we’ve also assured them that they can abuse that power to exploit us. With us indulging in the facts about which celebrities did what, the political awareness of a nation rusts.

The most effective way is to do research. Let's say a certain topic seems not right to you or seems to have been covered with honey in such a way that it wraps the dark truth. Then look for that anywhere you can find it. There is the internet, then the library or comparative study – there are many ways to do research.

Counterattacking media in some sort of movement or something like that won’t be very effective. There are only a few sources of news that we can trust a bit to be true and they’re all mostly independent. So, we don't have many options but to check the facts presented to us.


Chapter 6: NOT actually a CONCLUSION

I should probably conclude this article. With the reading time being huge, it could be a bit hassle for those who are on a strict timetable. But I wouldn’t say I covered all the biggest topics, I only covered a few of them and I hope you understand my reason for doing that.

While most of us are in a place where we think about the present and try in some a to steer to the right path in the future, we never actually try to see the future. Technically seeing the future is somewhat an impossible task and yet why am I saying that? Because you can create a probable future in your imagination based on the current situation and feel what I am trying to say.

We must all be concerned about these facts. Being at the mercy of some “elected”/now-elected-by-people-but-actually-filling-own-pockets people would cause a huge avalanche for us. I earnestly urge all of the readers, to please try to engage in political opinions, research a lot, or at least try to know what’s going on in your country or around the world.

I hope that things change for the better in the future, and hope to see you soon in the next article.



Author’s note: This attempt to create a picture of what the world is now is somewhat a bit of a failure since the problems now are so deep that it’s not even possible to know that depth. I have been out of writing any articles for some time being busy, but in that time, I learned a lot about current affairs and our world. I hoped to convey that message in a way you might understand, at least a bit.

This article was first written a few months ago before the Israel-Gaza conflict, and edited on 6 Nov. 2023. And any mistakes – I hope you’ll forgive them. See you next time.

Copyright info: The illustrations of the article-art illustrated by Md. Iman Anwar. Copyright owned by © Iman Awakens Ltd. 2023.

Learn more: Black Lives Matter | Vice (2018) Official Trailer |

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