How are you, everyone? Based on the current world events, the question kind of feels very wrong. If you support Palestine, and Israel or don't support any of them - you're still facing the effect this problem is having all over the world. So, generally, you ask - "Why even start this?" Well, everyone is asking this question. I won't write the history of it, since you can just get it on Wikipedia. But I want to talk about those people who are in the middle of this problem. They're not Hamas, and they're not Israelis - these people in the middle are innocent civilians. Before starting, I want to apologize for getting any facts wrong though it has become common for media like CNN or the BBC. Anyway, I have attempted to add references for fact-checking (more in chapter 7) and getting different perspectives of one issue. So, alternative links are provided for more perspectives, and if you want to look for more google the issues (!). Chapter 1: Name of the a...
An IMAN NOTES blog featuring current issues around the world with articles from Md. Iman Anwar & more...